Thursday, January 19, 2012

January: The Month of Lethargy

Since quitting work back in December, I've had nothing to do. And I mean NOTHING.  It's to the point that I have to make a list of things to do around the house and force myself outside just to see a bit of sunshine and get fresh air.

I've also gotten more sleep than I feel I've had my entire life.  10-12 hours a day...minimum! If that's not lethargy, I don't know what is.

Yet, at the same time I feel busy, busy, busy! The first week of January my friend Annie and I took our first trip to the west coast to visit our best friend, Brooklyn, in San Francisco! She's a star in the musical: Bring It On. (Even for you non-cheerleaders, the show is still awesome. They are on tour and I recommend everyone see it in a town near you!) During this trip I also decided that I'm scared to death when planes land. Like I fear for my life...but that's another story.

Anyway, less than 3 weeks to go and I've gone through two trial runs of packing.  So far I have a huge wheelie suitcase/backpack thing, a duffel bag and a backpack I'm going to use as a carry on.  But it feels impossible to condense everything down to 80lbs! 

How does one pack for 2 years?! At first you think 80lbs isn't enough...but as I started packing and weighing things I realized that a backpack filled to the 40lb mark starts to make me tip, or walk all hunchbacked! I'm struggling with my luggage as it is, and once I get in country I'm going to have to carry everything on my own. I'm highly considering wearing only the clothes on my back!

1 comment:

  1. DEATHLY AFRAID of plane landings is an understatement!! Sheila and I were quite a sight haha. However, that plane ride did provide me with a lovely list of "things I'm gonna make my children do" (my future kids are gonna hate me haha). But even though the landings were a little rough, I would ride that plane a thousand times over b/c the trip to San Fran was the best vaca I've ever had!! Miss and love you sheila!
